The department has two laboratories possessing diverse forms of Algae (Terrestrial and acquatic algae from freshwater and marine habitats) Bryophytes, pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms. Different classes of Fungi and several fungal disease materials are available for study. The laboratory and instrumentation facilities in the department include microscopy with Digital Research Microscope, and Light Microscopes, Gel Electrophoretic Units with accessories for DNA, RNA and Protein Analysis, PCR Thermocycler, Hot Air Oven, BOD incubator, Laminar Air Flow, Autoclave unit, Deep Freezer, Autoclave Vertical, Gas Sawpling kit,Respirable Dust sample, Hot Plate, Gas Chromatograph, Double Beam Spectrophotometer, Microprocessor Flame Photometer, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Toxin free water Purification system, Elecrode Based Digital PH Meter, Photosynthetic analyser, Electronic Soil Sawpling Kit and Water sawpling Kit. The department library fulfils the requirement of the faculty members and students.